Now that LIBA has announced their support for the Haymarket arena, I can't imagine this May's vote failing. Darn near every major group in Lincoln has come out in support of the arena. Opponents are many, but they just don't have the political oomph that supporters have. Far be it from me to declare the arena a winner, but at this point it's going to take one hell of a hail Mary pass to take it down.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I do hope they lose that design. It looks like a giant concrete cereal bowl.
The original design was better. We NEED this arena, but it should fit in better with the character of both the Haymarket, and the two nearby stadiums (stadia?).
I’m hoping for a possible third design. The other two were ok, but…
Turns out I kinda like giant, cement, cereal bowls 😊
I actually think it looks kind of cool, and that it would grow on people. However, that’s a special part of town, and I think it should try a little harder to fit in.
Deena Winter is about to go all Andy Rooney on our asses over this arena.
I thought it was just me thinking that, but obviously I’m not the only one.
Hmmm, hope you’re right, but I still sense a lot of concern among the leading advocates, and they’ve seen poll numbers. I don’t get any sort of a sense that this is anywhere close to being a clear winner. If it wins, I’d guess it’ll something like 53/47. That said, I hope I’m completely wrong.
I see the poll is running anywhere from 58/42 to 61/39. To be honest I was surprised too at those figures. Gotta take that with a grain of salt though, I guess.
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