Is Lincoln More Open-Minded Than Omaha?
By: Mr. Wilson on
April 19, 2012
Eskridge said he doesn't expect to see the kind of controversy that occurred in Omaha, where about 100 people testified at the public hearing, including filmmaker Alexander Payne and assistant Nebraska football coach Ron Brown. "We are a closer knit community, kinder and more understanding," Eskridge said. "We like to do things differently."I may be wrong, but ... hogwash. If anything I predict more controversy, more hubbub, and more news-making events. Why wouldn't there be? Both sides have more momentum than they did leading up to the Omaha vote. Proponents here in Lincoln can point to Omaha, not to mention every other Big Ten city, and say "we should be like them". Opponents will be extra-motivated, having already lost the state's largest city. And then there's the sub-circus around Ron Brown. Will he speak out? Will he be fired? Call me cynical if you must, but I don't see Lincolnites all gathering together to toast our progressiveness and sing Kumbaya. I foresee many bumps ahead.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Eskridge completely out of touch if he truly believes what he said.
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