Is Anybody Watching?

By: Mr. Wilson on October 5, 2011
Lincoln has traffic cameras all over town. You can even watch them yourself. So why don't they seem to get used? Here's an example. Last night traffic was backed up on South 27th Street, south of Capitol Parkway. According to radio traffic reports there had been, at some point, a "multi-car accident" nearby. (By the time I made it through there was no sign of any accident.) Since the stated purpose of the cameras is to allow "real-time monitoring" so that the City can "direct and re-route traffic as needed to keep traffic flow", you'd think the timing of area traffic signals would have been adjusted. Within only a few signal cycles the whole backlog could have been flushed out. Instead, the signal timing never seemed to change. As a result, traffic backed up closer and closer to South Street. That's about three-quarters of a mile. Last night's experience certainly wasn't the only time I had wished that a human would take over to unstick a traffic jam. No doubt you've all been in similar situations as well. And yet I can't think of a single occasion in which I witnessed a traffic signal break out of its usual routine, either automatically or by human prompting, to help clear out a temporary slowdown. Perhaps I've misunderstood the role of traffic cameras, though the City's language seems pretty clear on the matter. I would like to see more active use of the cameras to lead to direct control over traffic signals when needed, preferably by folks who've been trained in the art and science of traffic dejamification. If done properly, I have no doubt it would help buy the City's beleaguered traffic management folks some much-needed love from Lincolnites. I wonder: have any of you ever witnessed what appeared to be The Hand Of God a City worker remotely controlling traffic signals to clear up a jam? (I'm not talking about when you see a person -- often a police officer -- controlling the lights via the box at the intersection. That's different.) Would you like to see more direct intervention?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 5, 2011 at 11:14PM

When was the last time you had to stop at an intersection that was closed down, i.e. 48th and Pioneers, where there was no cross traffic but the lights were still working. I’m not sure anybody adjusts traffic patterns

Mr. Wilson
October 6, 2011 at 12:51AM

I HATE that! I heard an explanation for it once, though I don’t know how accurate it was. I was told, in short, that the construction folks and the traffic signal folks just plain don’t talk to one another. That, plus changing traffic signal timing is more wrapped up in red tape (or some other complexities) than we understand.

I really need to do some interviews with the relevant folks to find out some answers. That would make a good feature for this site’s relaunch…

Dave K
October 6, 2011 at 1:11AM

Please!  I would love to hear what they have to say, because I still harbor a grudge at the horrible management of the traffic light system.  I know the response is usually “you don’t know everything that goes into it”, but there’s no reason it should take 5 minutes to go south on 70th or west on Pioneers from the HyVee at 70th and Pioneer(s).  Here in The Big City, lights like those go flashing yellows and reds in the evening, and it significantly cuts down on the time it takes to get around. The main arterials are well-managed, even during rush hour.

Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
October 6, 2011 at 4:01AM

Tada!  This is also one of the reasons you are seeing every single new road project that Lincoln does has a round about involved in some way or form…every the construction at 14th & Hwy 2 has a roundabout.  As much as I have a good chip on my shoulder for them as half of the general public rolls up on these and has no clue what to do.  The city does not have the budget to pay folks to actually sit in front of monitors and watch traffic flow…ok it is either budget or the folks who actually are PAID to do this job are EXTREMELY lazy and/or not very observant…ie, Dave K’s issue above.  I would agree that in the middle of the night MANY intersections could go to flashing yellows and reds to keep traffic moving.

Henry Kessler
October 9, 2011 at 4:48AM

I don’t think Lincoln is set up with a central traffic control system. It would be nice if we had one. I don’t think they use the traffic cams for more than monitoring heavy traffic areas.

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