I'm glad to see Attorney General Jon Bruning reversed course and will not allow the state to use consent as a defense in a case involving sex between a 12 year-old girl and a 17 year-old state ward. The state had planned to argue that it had no liability since the relationship was consensual. Regardless of whether that argument makes sense in a vacuum, it is infuriating in this context because the state would never allow such a defense to pass if it were on the other side of the court room.
Then again I'm no legal analyst. Perhaps this is a foolish move. But to my untrained eye at least the state is being consistent in not using a defense that state prosecutors themselves would tear to shreds.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Hard to believe it took an AP article to get Bruning to change his stance. It was a ridiculous argument.
I know, he is such an evil person.
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