Aren't new technologies and computer systems typically supposed to improve the user experience? Why, then, is Nebraska's DMV managing to provide worse service now that they have put new systems in place? I suppose we should have known problems were in store when a blip in power was enough to cripple the system for a few days.
DMV horror stories have always puzzled me. What's so difficult about what the DMV does? It's not like the DMV's workload is any secret; it shouldn't be difficult to determine, within a reasonable degree of accuracy, how many people need to be served. And the concept of customer service is no secret. Plenty of organizations, government and private, have figured it out.
For what it's worth, my personal experiences with the DMV have been acceptable at worst. Knock on wood.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I’m not usually a big fan of contracting out government work to private companies…but this is a perfect case as to where it would be amazing.
Allow a private company(ies) to provide the same service for a $5 fee increase.
The company would compete for your business and would FOR SURE provide better service. And would be motivated by profit to have service that attract customers… services like…I dunno…taking credit cards, providing appointment scheduling online, etc.
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