Lincolnite's own D.M.B. is headed for the greener pastures of Imperial, Nebraska where he has accepted a broadcast position with a local radio station. He will be doing play-by-play of local sporting events, among other responsibilities. It's a great gig doing what he loves.
Congratulations, D.M.B.!
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Grats DMB. I take it you will continue to post here occasionally and provide some in-depth commentary on the (crystal ball in action) Minnesota Vikings’ horrific 2006 season.
I see the blog post and think, hey I know somebody from Lincoln that’s moving to Imperial. And hey, he’s going to do play-by-play at a radio station.
But DMB… what’s the B stand for? The D and M seemed pretty obvious at first. But the B? Oh, but that 2005 concert shirt you were wearing on Saturday… DMB.
Small freakin… city.
Tough beat on that hand. Hell, I thought I won with my flush. I was blind to the two full houses in front of me, sorry you were too. They’re never gonna let you live that down.
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