Immigrants’ Rights March Today

By: Mr. Wilson on April 10, 2006
Folks who want to join in on the immigrants' rights march today will want to meet at Cooper Park (6th and D) between 9:00am and 10:00am. The plan, as I understand it, is to march to the Federal Building at 10:00am. Participants are encouraged to wear white. Whether you plan to be a participant, a counter-protester, or a passive observer, please play nicely. And a quick piece of advice for participants: despite what you may have been led to believe by watching your bretheren march in other cities, waving upside-down or modified American flags isn't likely to earn you or your cause much respect. [Update 4/10/2006] Okey dokey, folks, the march is over, and the first commenters are up in arms on the Journal Star's website: Joe:
Waving a Mexican flag protesting for your "rights" in this country just tells me you need to go home. Now.
I can think of a lot of folks in a lot of countries who say the same thing about Americans and American flags. Another Joe:
Why do I see Mexican flags in this picture? I thought it was Lincoln, Nebraska, United States.
Sounds like somebody has an inferiority complex. "Oh my gawsh, somebody loves their homeland. And it's not the USA! What is this world coming to?!" I wonder what Joe says when Wilber's Czech Festival rolls around each here? Damn European immigrants! Let's hear from Jessi:
Can't wait to have all those illegals in line for welfare once they receive amnesty. This is a farce!
Ahh, some good old fashioned bigotry is starting to come out. I love to see that. Cuz, y'know, the first them all them damn legal immigrants do is sign up for welfare. It's true! My co-worker's uncle's best friend told him so. Brent Wickard:
All the illegal immigrants should be deported. It would reward them to allow them to stay for any reason and encourage other illegal immigrants to do the same. Proponent for illegal immigration Carmela Sanchez do Jiminenz says that their voices are loud and message is strong, but the only thing she is saying is that committing a crime is okay. Why don't we just pardon all the murderers, rapists, child molesters, embezellers, and burglars while we are at it. I am sorry but those people are all stupid.
Ooh, so close. Brent almost squeaked out a reasonable argument, but then he decided to whip out one hell of a straw man, and he threw in some good old fashioned name-calling to boot.


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