I’m Rich!

By: Mr. Wilson on June 29, 2005
My financial troubles are behind me. I now earn no less than $125,000 per year. Hot diggity! I wish. But somebody thinks I'm rich. Why else would I have received a copy of L, "Lincoln's Premier Lifestyle Magazine"? Inside is an ad for the magazine:
SELL MORE TO THE AFFLUENT L Magazine is your opportunity to reach Lincoln's upper income households... Reaching households with an income of 125,000 [sic] or more. L Magazine is also mailed directly to all doctor's offices, health clubs & spas.
Maybe I'm not rich, but I'm actually just a doctor's office, health club, or spa.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

B Roth
July 7, 2005 at 7:09PM

I know what you mean - I got the mag (rag?) too!
I would feel even “richer” if instead they would just send me the few bucks it cost them to produce it rather than send it for me to put in the trash…hmmm…

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