My diet changes have continued to go well. Whereas I began my experiment back in January by eating meat no more than three times per week, these days I eat an almost exclusively vegetarian-plus-seafood diet. My non-seafood meat consumption is down to about once every ten days. I eat seafood maybe three times per week. Not bad for a guy who was easily in the 90th percentile among picky eaters for a good two-thirds of his life. My mom still does a double take when she sees what I eat these days.
My weight loss has plateaued at between 11 and 12 pounds. I'm fine with that. Although this was never about my weight, I did feel like my body fat percentage was creeping too high for my tastes. I think my weight has stabilized because now that I've burned off a layer of fat, any additional fat losses are being replaced by muscle gains.
The muscle gains come from my newly-rediscovered love for running. I loved running back in high school, but throughout most of my twenties it was something I just did now and then because I felt like I was supposed to. These days I run because I want to. It has been hard to accept that I'm not 17 any more, but I think I have settled on some goals that are realistic, yet very challenging. I achieved my first goal this morning, and that's where the title of this post comes in.
The Holmes Lake dam is a hair over one mile across -- 1.06 miles, according to my measurements. My goal for this morning was to run the dam in six minutes or less. Believe it or not, I reached the end at exactly 6:00 on my watch. If you do the math, that comes out to a 5:39 mile pace. I'm very happy with that. Extremely happy, in fact. It gives me hope that my other two goals are actually achievable. They are: run two miles in under 12:00; and run a 5K in under 19:00. Considering how gassed I was after this morning's run I have a lot of work to do before I can reach those goals. But if I keep having fun like I am now, they're both possible.
Now it's your turn. What about yourself are you proud of today?
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