I’m Not a Lumberjack, But I Play One on Weekends

By: Mr. Wilson on November 4, 2005
My father and I are going to fire up the chain saw and put on our best lumberjack impressions tomorrow. Place your bets on the likelihood that:
  1. One of us ends up in the hospital
  2. We damage the roof of the house
  3. We pull down a powerline
The Missus and I have pondered the fate of two trees since we first moved in. One is an evergreen bush-tree thing that sits right next to the driveway. It's too big for its britches, and The Missus likes to scrape her car with it every time she backs out of the garage. The other tree is some sort of 25 foot flowering thing with evil, evil roots. Roots from hell. Roots that extend in every direction just at the surface. Roots that literally reach up and grab your ankle, trying to snap it in two. I hate the tree with the evil roots, while The Missus hates the bush-tree. So we compromised: we're chopping them both down. I'm not quite sure what we'll do with the void we'll be left with, but we'll figure something out.


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