I’m Back, And I Brought Rain

By: Mr. Wilson on July 26, 2005
You can thank me for the rain and cool weather today. I brought both back with me from Utah, just for all you folks whining about our little heat wave of late. You're welcome. Utah was a lot of fun, but it definitely was not a flawless trip. Let's see: we had car troubles a mere 80 miles into the trip; we had to stay in a hotel the first night as a result; I encountered my first experience with altitude sickness... I could go on, but I don't want to give the impression that I didn't have a good time. It was just incredible how many things went wrong over the course of the trip. Oddly enough the bad luck actually began three years ago when we were returning from our first trip to Utah. Back then our camper blew a tire just outside of Kearney, making us arrive home a couple hours later than we should have. I did manage to take several pretty decent photos, so that was a plus. I will eventually post the photos and more detail about the trip. Hopefully I'll get around to that this week or else I'll never do it. I'm pretty tuckered today, but I suppose that's to be expected after a busy trip. My dad and I have already started planning our next trip, probably for 2007.


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