What over-the-air channels should a guy be able to get in Lincoln? I hooked up an antenna to the television last night just to see what I could get. I ended up with 8 (including 8.2), 10 (sometimes), 51, and a couple odd religious channels. I had assumed I'd be able to get NET and perhaps an Omaha station or two. No?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I have a tower antenna next to my house and I get 3, 6.1, 6.2 7.1,7.2,8.1,8.2,10.1,10.2,12.1,12.2,12.3,15.1,15.2,42.1,42,2, and 51.1.
Click “Choose an antenna” here & enter your address - you’ll get a list of channels you should be able to receive.
Also, there are some nice links here, including 3D Google Maps of broadcast signals - cool!
Mr. Wilson -
Probably not the ideal place to post this blog observation, but before I forget:
I noticed you didn’t post an end-of-year summary for 2009, as you have in years past. What gives?
We ditched cable about a month ago and I have been disappointed with the reception. I’ve gone through two antennas from Radio Shack and the guy told me people even return the $100+ attic one all the time.
It was a fun family project, but my daughter and I built one together and it works just as well as any that I tried. In our storage room we have exposed ceiling joists so I just clamped it on and it powers our basement TV fine.
I wasn’t expecting to get every channel but I only get 6.1, 8.1, 8.2, 10.1 (until dark) and a crappy picture from 51.1.
If you figure something out, please let me know. I live up by 27th and I-80 and have been very disappointed.
Forgot the link to the DIY we did: http://lifehacker.com/5138746/build-your-own-dtv-antenna
I got my antenna from Zager. It is supposedly a “Lincoln” tuned antenna that gets the Omaha stations as well as 8 and 10. FWIW, yhey told me that it is important to point it in the proper direction for optimum results.
Mike -
Most TVs or converter boxes have an “antenna” or “signal” option on the menu, which pretty much gives you a signal strength meter as you manually adjust the antenna. Depending on where your antenna is located, it may be a 2-person job: one to move the antenna, and one to stand in front of the TV & yell across the house :D
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