I See You

By: Mr. Wilson on June 8, 2010
Looking for a reason to fly out of the Lincoln Airport but you can't justify the higher cost or limited flight selection? If you're the shy type, you've got a new reason to fly LNK: Eppley has a full-body scanner. You know, the ones that can see everything. I can see the new slogan now: Lincoln Airport - Fly the Prudish Skies! Hey, it could work.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Overpriced and underserved
June 8, 2010 at 2:57PM

Knowing Lincoln, someone will decide we need to keep up with the Joneses.  Of course, the airport’s solution will be to pay $20,000 plus shipping and handling for a pair of X-Ray Specs (TM) and let Merv the TSA agent go to town with the spotting of suspicious objects on willing passengers.

P.S. According to an article in the paper “Body scans are optional. Passengers may choose instead to pass through a metal detector and might receive a pat-down.”

Karin Dalziel
June 8, 2010 at 5:32PM

Well, that was quick. They didn’t have those when I flew out of Eppley May 21, neither did Reagan airport when flying back.

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