Here's a random bit of info for you local spellers: neither Amigos nor Kings Classic contains an apostrophe. All this time I've been sticking apostrophes in there. Shame on me.
Discovering that, however, has made me wonder if there should be an apostrophe in the name Amigos/Kings Classic. An apostrophe-less Amigos makes sense. Kings Classic, on the other hand, feels possessive. Doesn't it? Was the old local chain spelled Kings or King's?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
King’s Food Host USA
Reminds me of Caesars Palace in Vegas. Maybe they want everyone who drives thru to feel like a king.
I’m friends with the family that ran Kings. Amigos has nothing to do with them, and they’re not very happy that Amigos is trying to cash in on their name. They definitely don’t have any of the Kings recipes.
Hmm, I thought I had heard that Amigos bought the rights to the name. I guess that’s just one more reason for me to not like Amigos.
I didn’t like Amigo’s…errr…Amigos when I first moved to Lincoln.
Those crisp pintos, taquitos with Dorothy Lynch AND Nacho chesse is like Crack…and I can’t break the habit.
Intervention anyone?
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