So a little thing called the 2010 Special Olympics USA National Games fires up this weekend. You may have heard of it. If you haven't already made hotel, rental car, dinner, or other reservations for the week, good luck!
I cannot possibly more strongly encourage you to participate in the games in one way or another. Many of you are official volunteers, and that's fantastic. The rest of you can one hundred awesome points by getting out and attending events, cheering on the athletes, and so on. Here is a rough schedule of events. (Note that it's a very rough calendar. Surprisingly bad, in fact. For an event that craves community participation they've made it disappointingly difficult to track down details about the schedule.) I would love to see you out at Abbott Sports Complex. I'll be out there all week, Sunday through Friday, from dawn (or earlier) until ... well, until we're done for the day.
Even if you haven't volunteered and you can't make it to any of the events, you can still help put on a good show by just being a good ambassador for Lincoln. Smile and be helpful and all that. Not that I have to tell you that, of course. Lincolnites already do all that stuff day-to-day. Don't stop.
This is a huge event for Lincoln, folks. Be proud of it.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Just curious if you knew where the best place would be to watch all the planes come in. I used to live by an airport as a kid and there was nothing better.
For good reason, they just don’t let people hang around a runway, even outside the gates, anymore.
I believe there is going to be a grandstand of some sort on the west side of the airport (Air Park side) near Goodyear. That’s one possibility.
If you just want to see planes but you don’t care about landings, and if the planes approach from the south, you could hang out at Pioneers Park.
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