I Don’t Think I Could Stand the Music

By: Mr. Wilson on September 17, 2009
I know one place I won't be spending my Saturday nights: Club Red will open Friday in the former Box Awesome at 815 O Street (under the viaduct). It's a club specifically for the 14-18 set. In other words, most definitely not me. While I think this is a fine idea if it's something kids want to do, I have to wonder how it will make money. They will open be open from 8:00pm until 11:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays, and they (obviously) won't be selling booze. $3 Red Bull shots, perhaps? In any event I wish them luck. Has this kind of concept been tried before in Lincoln?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 17, 2009 at 3:01PM

This sounds really half-baked to me. Especially if they are only opened on friday and saturday nights. That place would have to be packed every night to pay the rent and utilities alone. Let alone a profit. It’s a shame they closed Box Awesome for this.

Dave K
September 17, 2009 at 6:04PM

This sounds really half-baked to me.

Pun intended? 😉

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