I Didn’t Write It, But I Agree

By: Mr. Wilson on September 1, 2006
Note to Lincolnite readers: I'm not Phuong Phan who wrote in to the Journal Star today, but I've said these basic words before:
To get to my house, I have to take a few turns first through the neighborhood. Now, we all know that the law states: at a residential intersection, the car to the right of you has the right of way. I’ve noticed some people decide that it’s the car on the "road most traveled." The first couple of intersections in the neighborhood are the ones that worry me the most because they’re the busiest. Turning into a neighborhood from a busy street that has a 40-mph speed limit, it’s hard to maintain a slower 25 mph for the first couple of blocks. People assume that since they’re on a "main road" that shoots straight through the neighborhood, they have the right of way all the way through. I think we should regulate this better by putting in a couple of yield signs. If we don’t, accidents are bound to happen and it will be harder to determine who’s at fault.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 3, 2006 at 12:42AM

I think that “car to the right goes first” thing is not an actual law here, just convention.

I could very possible be wrong, though.

My neighborhood is horrible come 5:00- everyone cuts through at 40MPH trying to avoid the 27th and vine intersection, and when I have the gall to go the speed limit and stop at intersections, I get honked at by the person trying to cut through.

It gives me an odd satisfaction to know that I slowed them down, if only for a couple of blocks.

September 4, 2006 at 9:12PM

I recall reading the “car to the right goes first” thing in the booklet from the DMV before I first got my license.  I wonder if it is still in there?  But this one thing is sure… Not everyone does it as a common courtesy anymore.

Even more irritating, in my opinion?  People who stop and try to wave me through in front of them, when I have a yield sign.  Yes, I am talking about being slowed for a yield sign on a bike, and the car will actually STOP and wave me through!  What the hell?  For once, they have the right to go on through, and they don’t take it?!  In these situations, I will stay put, point to my yield sign and wait for them to take their damn right-of-way.

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