I Am a Ross Virgin

By: Mr. Wilson on August 16, 2005
I have never been to the Mary Riepma Ross Film Theater. I have thought about going to a couple shows there, but not being an "artsy film" kind of guy, I have stayed away. Now I'm thinking about going sometime between September 16 and September 29. The film I want to see? The Aristocrats. I think the fact that I really want to see that film officially makes me a twisted SOB. Anybody want to make a wager on what proportion of the moviegoers walk out before the end?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 16, 2005 at 4:24PM

I was wondering if the Ross was even going to bring it in.  My friends who’ve seen it all loved it with George Carlin and Bob Saget being the favorites.  Of course, all my friends are twisted SOBs.

Mr. Wilson
August 16, 2005 at 4:33PM

I, too, have heard that Carlin and Saget are among the best. Apparently Gilbert Gottfried is also a hoot, especially when you know the story behind why he told the joke in the first place. (Short version: It was shortly after 9/11 and he was bombing at the Friar’s Club Roast of Hugh Hefner, in part because he tried to use some 9/11-related humor. Since his planned material wasn’t working, he ad libbed—with The Aristocrats.)

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