Hy-Vee in the Tank?

By: Mr. Wilson on January 23, 2007
The Hy-Vee deal near 48th and O Street might be in the tank after the City Council nixed additional funding for extending 50th Street. The street extension was seen as critical to the deal. No word yet from Hy-Vee on their next move. If Hy-Vee does bail out, anybody got any great ideas for what should take its place?


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January 23, 2007 at 2:48PM

I’d love it is we could get a Great Pizza Machine or Dave and Buster’s or something of that kind. Chuck E Cheese just doesn’t cut it for the over 12 crowd. Lincoln badly needs more indoor entertainment that’s not a movie theater.

Dave K
January 23, 2007 at 2:50PM

The city could have another public art project.  The theme would be road barricades, like the ones currently found on the part of 50th street that was to be extended.  Instead of spreading the barricades all over town, each one would have a week in that spot, or they could all be displayed throughout the blighted area where the Hy-Vee was to be built.  Then they could be auctioned off, and proceeds would go towards funding the extension.  Sure, they’d still be about 1.5999999 million dollars short, but it’s the thought that counts.

January 23, 2007 at 8:50PM

That would be a great intersection for a nice, family-run type of miniature golf course. 

Seriously, isn’t it boneheaded that the street’s never been paved there anyway? How can the city turn the other way at this expense and economic development of a BLIGHTED area, but pour money into Talent Plus to the tune of $30K a month to find candidates for a position that the next mayor may change in a few months?

As the Joker said, “This town needs an enema!”

Mr. Wilson
January 23, 2007 at 9:00PM

That would be a great intersection for a nice, family-run type of miniature golf course.

Funny, I almost said the exact same thing! It has to have an alligator, and a windmill, and…

If I had the money, I’d build it. If somebody else has the money, I’ll run it.

(No seriously. Somebody build it and I’ll run it.)

January 24, 2007 at 3:45PM

Hey, the lotto’s up to $240 mil. If I remember to buy a ticket and win, I’ll build it.

I still want something indoor though. It feels like it’s cold here 3/4 of the year.

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