Hot Hands

By: Mr. Wilson on August 10, 2006
I got to play the role of altruist last night, and I received a mild burn on my hand as a result. A family's minivan had died at the entrance to a parking lot. It just happened to die right before I walked by, and it just happened to die directly on the route I walk from the bus stop to the ol' homestead. Sometimes fate makes being a good samaritan easy. Anyway, a 50-something grandmother, a 15-ish kid, and I got behind the van to push it into the parking lot while mom steered and baby sat quietly. Did I mention the van was resting on an incline? We made a little progress, then paused for a break. About that time another fellow stopped to help, and we quickly made it the rest of the way into the lot. The family was thankful and I got to feel good about helping out. I only wish I knew something about cars so I could have helped get them back on the road. Oh, and that mild burn I mentioned? It was from the back of the van. Daaaaamn that thing was hot. In the little time I pushed the van, I toasted my hand.


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