Homefront News

By: Mr. Wilson on September 24, 2007
Whew, what a busy weekend. I worked late on Friday night and again on Saturday morning. Then I reffed two soccer matches at Doane that night, followed by two youth matches at Den Hartog on Sunday morning. Six hours of running within 20 hours makes Mr. Wilson a tired boy. During the second youth match we had a bit of a scary situation. A player was hit in the head by an errant free kick. I didn't see it -- like a good referee I was watching the "drop zone", not the kick itself -- but I heard it. I turned and jogged to the player fully expecting the usual ball + face = bloody nose equation. No big deal, right? Instead, I found an unconscious player curled into the fetal position. Crap. Fortunately, there one of the parents on the sideline was a physician, so I put him in charge. The paramedics were called, but in the end the player walked off the field under his own, slightly disoriented, power. He didn't leave in the ambulance, but hopefully his parents took him to the hospital to get checked out. (Aside: Why in the world should two firetrucks and an ambulance respond to a simple blow to the head? Shouldn't a single ambulance suffice? Can anybody in the medical community explain to me how that is not a tremendous waste of resources?) In other 625 Elm Street news, Robbie is doing awesome these days. He still doesn't say many actual words, but physically the kid is pretty darn impressive. He has no fear and, apparently, a relatively high tolerance for pain. That's great for brushing aside skinned knees today, but does this mean we have a future X-Games participant on our hands? Dad can probably handle that, and mom could probably get used to it. But grandma and Aunt Brooke will have heart attacks if that happens. For now, he walks, runs, climbs, and tumbles as well as some kids twice his age. If he weren't so shrimpy he could do even more. I've even almost taught him to jump. We almost have liftoff. We'll get there. Last night we had family photos taken. I'll post one once we get them back.


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