Home Town Rag

By: Mr. Wilson on January 30, 2006
Can we all agree that this morning's front page fluff piece on Rev. Tom Swartley was further evidence of the Lincoln Journal Star's descent beyond mediocrity? The headline alone is beyond pardy, if only for the "No duh!" quotient:
Minister driven by God's will
(The headline is different in the online version of the story.) I especially loved this part of the story:
[T]he controversy Swartley kicked up had mostly settled by Sunday, when he took the pulpit at First Christian Church. His words had spiced dinner conversations, filled a news cycle or two and then disappeared into the ether.
...but we're so desperate for filler, we're going to milk this story for yet another news cycle! ::sigh:: If it weren't for the comics there'd hardly be any reason to get home delivery of the LJS.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 31, 2006 at 3:52PM

I smell a book deal

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