Hey Look, There’s Me!

By: Mr. Wilson on April 8, 2010
Not long ago I commented that the pro-arena folks were making it easy for the anti-arena folks to portray the issue as one of "us vs. them". This latest commercial is an improvement in that regard:


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 9, 2010 at 1:17AM

ENTERTAINMENT???  Who???  Joan Rivers???

I still say that no matter WHAT the vote is Lincoln will go right on with this white elephant.  Then, once the mighty UNL gets in there no one will be able to use it as THEY will have it booked for EVERY even imaginable. PERIOD.  The EXACT same thing happened with the Devaney center.

April 9, 2010 at 2:37AM

It sure would nice if they got some folks who weren’t reading off cue cards…

April 9, 2010 at 3:20AM

hbrogan57, don’t quite understand what you are trying to say, but:

UNL owns the Devaney Center.  They can use it for whatever they wish.  The city doesn’t own Devaney.

“THEY will have it booked for EVERY imaginable.  PERIOD”


April 9, 2010 at 5:06AM

Yes. This.

Of course UNL books the arena. It’s not a city venue.

April 9, 2010 at 1:45PM

They didn’t even mention the potholes! HOW DARE THEY!

Mr. T
April 10, 2010 at 12:32AM

Well, seeing as how several of the “average people” in that commercial are well-known, active figures in the political scene, they are not REALLY representative of the Joe and Jane on the street. But I guess the illusion might work if people don’t know that.

April 10, 2010 at 1:37AM

maybe I should have been a bit more clear.  The Devaney was built with cigarette tax funds.  It was originally supposed to be a partial replacement for Pershing.  However, as everyone can plainly see, UNL ended up with it.  I honestly don’t recall where it was built for the SOLE use of UNL.

In any case, with regards to the latest white elephant on the taxpayers plates.  This WILL get built no matter what.  There has been far too much planning, talking and, now, advertisements.  No one involved with this will want to end up with THAT much egg on their collective faces.

If you don’t think that UNL is ruling the city….What part of the Antelope Valley project was mostly completed first???  Or, how about the BIG X???  Look how fast THAT was done.  ALL because it is close to the University.

Lincoln has been, and ALWAYS will be, a good ‘ol boy town.

Perhaps, someday, SOMEONE will finally bring Lincoln into some sort of modern thinking.

April 11, 2010 at 6:54PM

That someone will most likely be the University.

April 11, 2010 at 11:13PM

I doubt that it will be the University bringing about the modern thinking.  They rule the roost around Lincoln now.  If, and I mean IF, Lincoln EVER joins the “real world” then the University would lose most of the clout it now carries.

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