Hey, I Own That Game!

By: Mr. Wilson on September 16, 2005
This made my day, or at least my lunch hour: the Boston Globe uncovered the best sports videogame ever by using a tournament-style bracket. The winner? (You'll never believe this!) NHL '94. Whodathunkit? I just happen to own that game, which makes my videogame collection way cooler than yours. I am soooo pulling out the Genesis tonight and giving NHL '94 a whirl. I have one question for the tournament organizers, though. Why did they choose Tecmo Bowl rather than the far superior Tecmo Super Bowl? Had they allowed the latter to enter the tournament, it would have easily wiped out the rest of the competition. By the way, the Boston Globe link may require registration. Use BugMeNot, or use this login and password: bigwillie@globe.com seanmc


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September 16, 2005 at 8:28PM

NHL 94?!?!?!?!!?  What a load of crap.

September 16, 2005 at 8:34PM

ok after seeing that Punch out should have won running away.  I mean RUNNING AWAY!  NHL shouldn’t have even made it out of the first round.  OVER RC PRO AM?!?!!?  What a joke.  Now I have to admit I have never played NHL 94 but it should have lost every round it was in.  RBI baseball easy, tecmo bowl easy (although I admit Tecmo Super Bowl should have been in there)

Notice that all the games in the Final 4 have been out for at least 11 years.  Is that nostalgia calling?

September 16, 2005 at 10:20PM

High Heat Baseball ‘00 with a roided up Sammy Sosa on the box is the best baseball game I’ve ever played.  PGA Tour Golf II for the Genesis, which came out in ‘92, is the best golf game.  For hockey, I still prefer Hockey for the 2600.  My roommate and I played that for hundreds of hours the summer of ‘92.

Mr. Wilson
September 17, 2005 at 12:57AM

You two are just bitter that you don’t own the BEST SPORTS VIDEO GAME EVAH!!!1!!

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