I took a quick gander at the garden this morning. Looks like it is already springing to life. Unfortunately, most of the life is weeds trying to convince me to nurture them, rather than tasty chiles and zucchini, this summer. Yeah right. But my sage is back with gusto, and my rosemary is starting to come back to life.
I got a big surprise this morning when I noticed that my cilantro is already popping up. Strange, since last year's plant spent most of last year on death's doorstep. Also odd since I only had one plant last year, but this year I have five plants eager to start the season. Oh well, I'm not one to complain about enthuastic food in the garden. Maybe it's a good sign.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I need some cilantro for tonight’s dinner, think you have time to bring some up here?
No habaneros (sp) por favor.
Actually, I am leaving for Omaha in about 10 minutes. I’m reffing a Latino League soccer game at Dodge Park at 11. But you’ll have to wait on the cilantro, the plants are still pretty tiny.
Stop on by Dodge Park if you’re bored, or if you want to learn some new Spanish swear words.
I am always up for new Spanish swear words.
Alas, you’re too late, the game was yesterday. And as it turned out, my game wasn’t any good for learning how to swear. They didn’t give me much grief at all. Maybe the language will get some spice later in the season.
I’ll just have to stick to the swear words I’ll already know. Mierda. Any idea why these posts always show up in the rss feed all at once, about two days late?
I didn’t realize that was happening, Joshua. Which feed(s) are you having troubles with? Which program(s) or service(s) are you using to read the feed?
My guess is that it’s some sort of caching issue. I’m not caching anything on this end (well, not the RSS feeds, anyway). That points toward your program or service. But if other feeds you read come through on time… Uhh, well, I dunno. But let’s start with the two questions I asked above and work from there.
I’m subscribed to the All blogs feed (http://lincolnite.com/blogs/rss2/), using NetNewsWire for Mac OSX. It’s set to check for updates ever half hour (that’s a global setting.) The feed validates over at feedvalidator.org. I’m at a loss.
From what I’ve read, cilantro reseeds itself every year. That’s probably why you have five plants instead of one.
How’d you get your rosemary to grow back? I have to replant it every year and it’s expensive.
I didn’t do anything special, other than managing not to kill it last year 😊 Maybe our relatively mild winter kept it strong?
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