Have you Been Bugged?

By: Mr. Wilson on January 6, 2010
I've been curious about local delivery services for a while. When somebody from Errand Bug left a comment recently, I took that as a sign that I should ask about your experiences with these services. I've seen the services advertised for years: Some company will deliver food from any restaurant in town to your door for some fee. In Errand Bug's case they will also go to, say, Target for you, and according to their comment they'll even drive you home from the bars if you're drunk and you don't want to wait for a cab. I don't see myself using a service like this because I'm pretty mobile. I get around just fine, and if I'm feeling too lazy to leave the house I'm probably also feeling too stingy to pay for delivery. If I'm really in a fix, well that's what's great about having so many family members in town. On the other hand, I have on more than one occasion wished that Blue Orchid delivered... Have any of you used Errand Bug or a similar service? What did you think?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 6, 2010 at 4:26PM

It’s a great idea - I can see myself using them on a busy day to get myself out of a bind.

Too bad I always forget about services like Errand Bug.  What was the service that catered from anywhere in Lincoln??  I can only find Metro Delivery, but that’s not the one I’m thinking of.  It was located downtown.  I forget about them, and I forget their names….they need to advertise more!

January 6, 2010 at 4:36PM

“As You Wish” delivery service.  Their site is now a copy of Metro Dining Delivery.  That explains it!

Karin Dalziel
January 6, 2010 at 5:24PM

I have a few friends without cars who have used this service occasionally when they couldn’t tag along with a friend to go shopping. they seem to like them.

Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
January 7, 2010 at 4:05AM

Tell ya what, Mr. Wilson.  Next time you are feeling like something to eat.  Give me a call and I will take care of your delivery fee.  You just pay for the food and I will have it delivered to you. 

Your blog is really good…It is one of the few in lincoln that is actively kept up to date on topics.  And I seem to agree with your opinions most of the time.  I think we also reside on the same side of town from what I have read over the years.

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