Halloween at Gateway

By: Mr. Wilson on November 1, 2007
The Wilsons and the Fines had a fine time trick-or-treating at Gateway last night. Here are a stack of photos and a video. Grandma and Robbie image Princess Morgan, Sam the Tiger, and Aunt Brooke image Princess Morgan image Aunt Brooke and Sam the Tiger image Sam the Tiger looking fierce image Robbie is ready to go! image Looking cute image Pushing the stroller image Grandpa and Robbie image Grandma and Robbie image Princess Morgan gets candy image Uncle Mike and Sam image She's hot! image No really, mom, I prefer not to wear the hat image All aboard the Carousel! image Whee! image Sam is dizzy image


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 2, 2007 at 12:31AM

Great stuff! For future reference, how large was the crowd? Do most stores hand out something? How long did it take to get thru the whole mall, or did you not hang out that long?

Mr. Wilson
November 2, 2007 at 4:30AM

I don’t have a good crowd estimate. I’ll say it was busy without feeling overcrowded.

Most stores (and restaurants) handed something out, some with more enthusiasm than others.

We began right at 6:00 and we were out the door at 7:15. That includes one trip on the Carousel. I’d say to plan on approximately an hour to make the circuit. Actually, Robbie had no interest in going store-to-store. He was just working the crowd, and loving every minute of it. Basically we followed my niece around and occasionally Robbie decided to go grab some candy or stickers.

November 2, 2007 at 3:30PM

Thanks. Glad you had fun!

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