Last Friday I was involved in three different situations that required me to be a good samaritan in one way or another. The first was on the bus on the way home from work. The college student in an adjacent seat left his wallet behind. I grabbed it and gave it to the bus driver. The second was as The Missus and I got out of our car at Southpointe later that evening. The folks in the car next to us left their lights on. Although the couple was gone, we had noted the woman's pants -- they were a very distinctive color -- so when we went into the courtyard to listen to the free concert, we were able to find her and warn her about her headlights. The last situation was near the end of the concert. The woman sitting next to us left her shopping bag behind. The Missus noticed it, I picked out the woman and her husband in the crowd, and The Missus chased her down.
But that's not my point. I hadn't had any good samaritan moments for a while, so I was due. And besides, none of those situations was all that big of a deal. But I digress. Fast forward to lunch today...
The Missus and I were eating at Samurai Sam's when a man walked in. He looked vaguely familiar, but I'm always saying "doesn't that guy look like somebody we know/some famous person?" so I figured that's what was going on. But then he walked over to our table. He leaned forward a bit and said, "Thanks for finding my wife's package the other night." What are the odds! And such courtesy taking the time to say thank you.
One of the things that bugs some people now and then about Lincoln is how hard it is to be anonymous. One of the things I love about Lincoln is how frequently these moments of social serendipity occur.
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You’ve got some good karma going, Mr. Wilson, my hat is off to you. Thanks for the reminder, sometimes it’s easy to put the blinders on and not see opportunities like that.
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