Growing Like a Weed

By: Mr. Wilson on October 25, 2010
It's Comprehensive Plan time again -- didn't we just do this?! -- as Lincoln and Lancaster County plot their future to 2040. The public will have plenty of opportunities to chime in, but for now the general question is which of three growth patterns we prefer. There's the Every-which-way Plan; the Go East, Young Man! Plan; and the Pack It In Plan. Not that we're stuck with whichever growth pattern we choose, of course. That's why it seems like every major project announcement in Lincoln is accompanied by a catch such as "the Comprehensive Plan will need to be modified to accommodate this project". And far more often than not it is, especially if the money is good. One thing I would like to see in this round of the Comprehensive Plan is a thorough examination of how intra-town travel will be improved. Specifically, I would like to see plans for solid north-south and east-west "throughways". Driving across town is difficult, as we all know, and traffic isn't exactly going to decrease if we add 100,000 people over the next couple decades. Having a couple prioritized routes in both dimensions across the city would be hugely helpful, if unpopular with folks along the routes. What are your goals with this round of comprehensive planning?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 25, 2010 at 2:30PM

A comprehensive and comprehensible public transit plan.

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