Grandma’s New Digs

By: Mr. Wilson on July 29, 2010
We took the family to Grandmother's (70th and A) last night. I was pleased to see the interior had received a facelift since I was last there. I didn't fully explore the restaurant -- I never made it over to the bar, for example -- so I can't comment on all the changes. But the main dining room had a nice, clean, contemporary feel. The only thing that really raised an eyebrow for me was their decision to retain the red lighting on the ceiling in the dining room. It didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the design. The menu hasn't changed. It's still the smaller, more focused menu they've been using for a while now rather than the lengthy, try-to-be-everything-for-everybody menu they had a while back. I had to laugh at two of their specials: the Bo Panini and the Carl Panini. I wonder if their namesakes have tried them? Perhaps it was a fluke, but the place sure was hopping last night. Most tables were full, at least in the main dining area. That's good to see since I'm a bit of a Grandmother's fan. Now if they'd just serve a good meatloaf. Seriously, what kind of restaurant called Grandmother's doesn't serve a wicked meatloaf?


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July 29, 2010 at 2:16PM

<i>Perhaps it was a fluke, but the place sure was hopping last night. Most tables were full, at least in the main dining area. That

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