Good Day Gone Bad

By: Mr. Wilson on August 19, 2009
Last night I thought I did something good. And I did. I was helpful and friendly and all those things. Yay me. Then this morning I was reminded I was supposed to have done something entirely different last night. Crap. I had responsibilities elsewhere that I just plain overlooked. I hate the switcheroo from high to low. In this case it's bad enough knowing that I screwed up, but it's made even worse knowing that a certain someone could have prevented the whole thing had he just spoken up yesterday rather than deliberately staying silent. He would rather permit anguish -- presumably for its "educational" properties -- than prevent it and lose the opportunity to make a point. And here I was feeling good about myself and my prospects for the day. *sigh* I hope your hump day goes better than mine.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 19, 2009 at 5:03PM

There are no specifics in the post, and maybe this someone who remained silent should have said something. However, I do believe that you are trying to redirect the blame to someone else. This is often a symptom of the 2nd stage of grief: anger. I hope it isn’t bad as all that, but perhaps we need to think about who’s fault it really is for forgetfulness. Just because someone choose not to help you does not detract from your responsibility.

August 19, 2009 at 6:34PM

Or, instead of it getting too deep, just get yourself a latte or ice cream or some kind of treat and go about your day figuring it’s a lesson learned.

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