
By: Mr. Wilson on November 25, 2005
Ahh, another successful Thanksgiving. The in-laws made it to Lincoln safely, the weather was decent, the food was fantastic. All in all, a great day. Why, though, did I have to finish off the remaining mashed potatoes and stuffing, and then top that off with The Missus' famous sugar-shock-on-a-plate peanut butter pie? I had to have passed the 5,000 calorie barrier. Even Daisy got into the act, with several carrots and some chicken on top of her normal food allotment. I'm not sure what everybody's plans are today, but I think "not much" applies to most of the crew. We'll probably end up having Valentino's for dinner, which will be a real trick since half the city of Lincoln is probably thinking the same thing. We may try Runza for lunch, since my sister-in-law's boyfriend has never had what I described to him as a "German calzone". Right now I'd better go take Daisy for a walk. She's beginning to get antsy and I'm afraid she'll start barking at me if we don't go soon. I don't want her waking up everybody else. Which begs the question: Why am I the one who gets up with her every morning and takes her for a walk? Oh yeah, it's because I'm a pathetic dog person and Daisy has me wrapped around her little finger.


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