Give Me Some Credit

By: Mr. Wilson on July 19, 2011
The timing of this morning's article about updating parking meters Downtown to include credit card readers is perfect. After a few recent trips Downtown I'd been thinking about the matter of on-street parking. Payment convenience was one of the topics on my mind. The only reason I intentionally carry around change is to pay for parking. I sure wouldn't complain if I could forgo change altogether. The second thing on my mind is the cost of on-street parking. It doesn't make any sense. It is way too cheap. On-street parking costs should at least double from their current $0.50 per hour. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if meters in designated "hot zones" -- much of the Haymarket, for example -- were $2.00 per hour. I could also go for a plan where quick in-and-out parking (15 minutes) is cheaper per-minute than longer term parking. That would mean I could run into Juice Stop for a smoothie without feeling like I spent as much on parking as I did on the drink. How much would you charge for parking at meters Downtown? Do on-street parking costs affect your decisions about whether (and where) to shop Downtown?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 19, 2011 at 1:06PM

Totally agree. The supply and demand of parking downtown is all askew.

July 19, 2011 at 1:58PM

The better and more in-demand the space is, the higher the rate should be.

I tend to use the garages, because usually I can get in and out in an hour and not pay at all. Plus, it’s way easier.

Mr. Wilson
July 19, 2011 at 2:04PM

Yeah, the new free first hour policy rules.

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