The timing of this morning's article about updating parking meters Downtown to include credit card readers is perfect. After a few recent trips Downtown I'd been thinking about the matter of on-street parking. Payment convenience was one of the topics on my mind. The only reason I intentionally carry around change is to pay for parking. I sure wouldn't complain if I could forgo change altogether.
The second thing on my mind is the cost of on-street parking. It doesn't make any sense. It is way too cheap. On-street parking costs should at least double from their current $0.50 per hour. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if meters in designated "hot zones" -- much of the Haymarket, for example -- were $2.00 per hour. I could also go for a plan where quick in-and-out parking (15 minutes) is cheaper per-minute than longer term parking. That would mean I could run into Juice Stop for a smoothie without feeling like I spent as much on parking as I did on the drink.
How much would you charge for parking at meters Downtown? Do on-street parking costs affect your decisions about whether (and where) to shop Downtown?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Totally agree. The supply and demand of parking downtown is all askew.
The better and more in-demand the space is, the higher the rate should be.
I tend to use the garages, because usually I can get in and out in an hour and not pay at all. Plus, it’s way easier.
Yeah, the new free first hour policy rules.
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