Get Your Taco On

By: Mr. Wilson on April 29, 2009
Mr. T pointed me to the Daily Nebraskan's overview of Lincoln's cheap tacos. I'm not sure how much faith to put in the article, though. This line blew me away:
They come with packets of Heinz mild sauce, which adds some nice spice.
"Heinz mild sauce", "nice", and "spice" do not belong in the same sentence. I haven't done the cheap taco thing in years. I used to love hitting up George's Red Pepper Grill (RIP), Crawdaddy's (RIP), and Knickerbockers for their $0.25 goodies (with mofo salsa, of course). My record was 17 tacos, I think. Do you concur with the DN's assessment? Who has the best cheap tacos in town?


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April 29, 2009 at 3:07PM

What a great article!  I think I did a dozen at Knickerbockers once and I just wanted to pass out when I got back to work.

April 29, 2009 at 9:21PM

about the N zone.  They have cheap tacos too.  Pretty good stuff, although I don’t recall the price.

Mr. T
April 30, 2009 at 2:02AM

I have horrifying memories of the day I witnessed Mr. Wilson eating like 15 of the Knickerbockers tacos, and spending the rest of the afternoon grunting in the bathroom. Very swiney, but no flu.

April 30, 2009 at 3:47AM

...of 25-cent taco Sundays when George’s was over on Claremont.

They’re not the hard-shell cheapo type, but man do I love me some SuperTaco for lunch!  Also - I finally tried the Oso fish tacos tonight for dinner.  Very yummy indeed.

April 30, 2009 at 5:30AM

Oh man. When we lived over in HSS, it was within walking distance. We’d go over there 4 or 5 straight Sundays. Great stuff.

Eric Sgry
May 1, 2009 at 4:01AM

Thanks guys…now I’m hungry…and at work. Bad combo.

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