Today is election day. Get out and vote, if you are so inclined. Don't forget to do your research before you head to the polls.
Locally there are two City issues to keep in mind. The first would shift the City to a two-year budget, rather than the current annual budget. The practical effect on Lincolnites is nil, though the assumption is that it would free up some City employee time for other activities. The second issue is an $8.2 million stormwater bond. Lincolnites are generally asked to pass this sort of infrastructure issue every couple years, and generally voters approve. This year should be no different; love or hate local government, basic infrastructure is not something you refuse to fund.
There are two state constitutional amendments on the ballot this year. Amendment 2 would abolish the State Treasurer's office. The pros say it'll save money to keep all of the Treasurer's functions inside the Department of Revenue; the cons say an elected official is more likely to be an effective check on wasteful activity. Amendment 1 is a no-brainer that would allow communities to fund economic development projects via means other than local sales and/or property taxes. Why would we not want communities to have more flexibility?
I plan to vote later this morning. If I can find my polling place, that is. It hasn't been at the same location twice in a row for the past several elections. It's like voter whack-a-mole.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I voted today. I encourage everyone else to do so as well. Enjoy your day!
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