Many of you will scoff, but I'm actually just a little bit excited about the Westfield Gateway makeover being unveiled at 5:30pm tonight. Some Lincolnites believe that Gateway is an anachronism, an outdated mall destined to fade into obscurity. I'm not so sure. I think Gateway can continue to be a relevant and powerful force among Lincoln's shopping venues.
I'm very pleased with the resources Westfield has put into Gateway. When Westfield purchased Gateway several years ago I was wary. As it turns out, I needn't have been. Gateway's exterior looks better than it has in years. occupancy rates are up, and the likelihood of hearing somebody say "I'm going to Gateway this weekend" isn't nearly as remote -- or giggle-inducing -- as it was only a couple years ago. It's too early to say that Gateway is back. But from the perspective of the Lincoln shopper, it's nice to know that Southpointe is not the only quality shopping option.
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