Gas Pains

By: Mr. Wilson on February 12, 2008
Did any of you get bit by the Aquila billing bug? Apparently an Aquila employee misread a bunch of meters, causing some customers' bills over the past three months to be too low. Now Aquila has to catch up, and it's biting customers in the behind with a surprisingly large bill this month. I wonder if that employee still has a job?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

West A Dad
February 12, 2008 at 5:21PM

Did they misread the meters too high as well?  My bill for December was a little over sixty dollars.  In January it was $115 and change.  February’s bill was $124 and change.  It’s getting out of control.  I’ve heard rumors that Aquila was not even reading meters during bad weather.

February 13, 2008 at 12:15AM

Last year my meter quit working in January and they started billing based on their estimates without telling me.  When I finally called in May to ask why my gas bills were higher than the previous year despite the fact that I ran my thermostat about 6 degrees lower the whole time they fessed up and had to give me back about $200.

Diane Kaye
February 13, 2008 at 2:02PM

My January ‘08 bill shot up also (compared to December 07 and January 07), despite the fact that we were gone for 10 days and had the thermostat turned down, and also had a week at the end of the billing cycle where we had a new furnace and a digital thermostat with programmed stretches of low settings. Hmmm….

West A Dad
February 13, 2008 at 2:54PM

Spoke to a friend last night who’s a banker/investment guy.  He can find no evidence of natural gas prices rising.  He was shocked when I told him about my billings. 

Now users of propane, they’re in for a big shock he tells me.

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