Friday Five

By: Mr. Wilson on May 5, 2006
Five things Lincolnites say that outsiders find unusual:
  1. Sack: As in, "Would you like your groceries in a paper sack or plastic sack?"
  2. At: As in, "Where are you guys at?"
  3. Scoop: As in, "I don't want to scoop my sidewalk today."
  4. We sure don't: As in, "Do you have gooseberry pie today?" "No, we sure don't."
  5. Anything and everything about the weather.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
May 5, 2006 at 2:07PM

One thing I noticed immediately upon moving to Lincoln was that a lot of the servers/cashiers in restaurants will say “to stay or to go?” after you order food. That surprised me because it seems like everywhere else I have been (whether in the midwest, the east or west) people say “for here or to go?”

May 5, 2006 at 2:53PM

Sack got me in trouble in Baltimore. I asked for a sack to put my food in outside of Oriole Park, and the guy goes

“Sack? They’re called bags here kid.”

Not just for Lincoln but quite a large part of the US…it’s SODA or COKE, not POP and not SODA POP.

May 5, 2006 at 4:45PM

Yes, the ‘to stay’ thing was very weird to me. And to hear people actually SAY “pop” when they mean soda was strange! 😊 Of course, I moved here from the South, where people say ‘mash the button’ on the elevator and when they order ‘coke’ the wait person knows to ask if they want Sprite, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc.

May 5, 2006 at 7:17PM

“and when they order

May 9, 2006 at 1:49PM

Always turning into the outside lane. What is up with that?!

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