Friday Five

By: Mr. Wilson on October 13, 2006
It's the Friday Five, paraskavedekatriaphobic edition. In honor of Friday the 13th, here are five places in Lincoln I'm afraid to go:
  1. Standing next to the Sower. But if the opportunity arose, I'd do it anyway.
  2. Robber's Cave without lights. After being closed for years, who knows what unpleasantries lie in the dark.
  3. Any Lincoln middle school. Middle schoolers scare the crap out of me.
  4. Amigo's. After ragging on Amigo's for so long, being seen there could ruin my reputation. And besides, who knows what the workers would do to my food in retalliation.
  5. The kitchen at Lee's Chicken. Some things are better left unknown.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 13, 2006 at 1:24PM

on a winter ride last year we ended up at Lee’s and did not have a lock.  So we asked iffin we could put our bikes in back.  Saw back there, just an endless row of fryers.

Oh and from the south east the sower looks like a girly man.

October 13, 2006 at 2:09PM

excellent use of paraskavedekatriaphobic Mr. Wilson.

October 13, 2006 at 2:26PM

Amen on the kitchen thing.  That goes for anyplace where I like the food.  I don’t want to know.

Robber’s Cave would be a great place for a haunted house during Halloween.

October 13, 2006 at 2:43PM

It’s not just Friday the 13th, it’s Judas Priest Friday the 13th.  I definitely need to get to Robber’s Cave… I’ve read so much about it, how can I not want to?

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