Friday Five
By: Mr. Wilson on
August 18, 2006
- "If there's one thing that's true about Lincoln, it's that homeowners just don't pay enough property taxes."
- "Let's hold hands and sing. Kum bah yah, my Lord. Kum bah yah..."
- "We ♥ Mike Spadt."
- "The 'City Council Gone Wild' calendar will be available for $19.95 from many local businesses."
- "Mayor Seng, you are a brilliant human being. How can we best work with you to address our differences of opinion for the betterment of Lincoln?"
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
6. Let’s put in a bike lane in the middle lane of 14th Street so that the outside lanes can’t cross it and we block in all people in the Security Federal parking garage.
If it wasn’t for the generosity of people letting other people into the lane, you can’t leave that parking garage at five o’clock (or any moderate traffic time). But generosity usually only lasts for one car, so for each light cycle of 14th & O Streets (not a real long light), one car gets to leave the garage. I only had five people in front of me and it took me ten minutes to get out of the garage. And if you’re parked on 14th Street (outside Brother’s), don’t expect to leave that parking spot around five o’clock either.
Seriously, who’s bright idea was this?
7. Lets widen 27th street between South and Hwy 2.
I heard a rumor all the way down here in Mississippi that a certain member of the city council lives right off of 27th between South and Hwy 2….
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