Friday Five

By: Mr. Wilson on April 14, 2006


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 14, 2006 at 5:04PM

Other sporting events besides the spring game this weekend are:

1) UNL Soccer team taking on Canadian National Team in about 30 mins.
2) Husker softball team taking on Baylor @ 5pm tonight and @ 1pm tomorrow.  Both games at Bowlin Stadium.
3) The Nebraska baseball team continues their series with Texas A&M.  One game tonight at 6:35pm, one tomorrow at 3:05pm
4) The Nebraska Track & Field Invitational will be @ 11am on Saturday.
5) The Nebraska Volleyball team wraps up their spring schedule with a match vs. Creighton @ 3:30pm.
6) Lincoln Stars will be in action at in the second round of the USHL playoffs.  On Saturday they will have game 3 of their series vs. Sioux Falls at the Ice Box.  Puck drops at 7pm.

Mr. T
April 14, 2006 at 10:47PM

My Five:

1) Re-watch Battle Royale on DVD.
2) Laundry.
3) Be a good alumni and drive 5 hours to Iowa City to help somehow. 
4) See #3.
5) See #3.

April 14, 2006 at 11:27PM

impressing a crazy girlfriend is not all it’s cracked up to be.

Mr. T
April 15, 2006 at 1:54AM

DMB - The combined wisdom of many ancient sages indeed supports your view. Yet I still seek to locate the lost ark and obtain heavenly blessings. And I don’t mean Harrison Ford.

April 15, 2006 at 3:20PM

My 5 involve gardening, homework, more homework and staying the hell away from downtown. I am so glad I’m not scheduled to work today.

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