If you're up for a little good propaganda, go check out the City of Lincoln's Your 14 Cents Worth page. Learn about what you're getting for your $0.1419 per property tax dollar.
To be clear, I don't have any problem with the City communicating to its residents what they're getting for their money, especially when they do it as frugally as Lincoln has done here. It would be nice if the page linked to some more detailed budget info, though.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Pretty cool and informative site.
Reminded me of $1.09
Talking property tax rates is always a bit of a shell game.
It may be accurate to say “The city’s property tax rate has dropped 45 percent since 1993-94.
It should also be pointed out, however, that home values have increased significantly as well, meaning the city is getting more money in the form of property taxes even, in some cases, when it drops its property tax rate.
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