Today marks my first day in my new role as Principal of Elm Street Schoolhouse. I've never been a principal before. You might think my inexperience would have disqualified me but what can I say, I was the only applicant for the job.
Our school has an enrollment of two, one each in kindergarten and preschool. Our student population is 75% black and 25% white. We have a student/faculty ratio of 1:1. That also happens to be the ratio of students to swings on our playground. Zero percent of our students are domiciled with their biological parents.
Each student has a fully individualized education plan. In addition to core subjects, our students take electives in: domestic animal care; cross-generational communications; home economics; etiquette; personal grooming; napping; and more. The students will spend exactly zero minutes on standardized testing this year.
We've been planning for this day for a couple years now. It feels weird that it's finally here. We are very excited and we're looking forward to an awesome school year!
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Can we have class outside today?
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