Some buzz suggests that Misty's is due to open today just south of 40th and Old Cheney. At one point I had heard the 17th (tomorrow). Their website still lists "two locations", but many joints don't keep their websites updated very well. Let me know if you drive by and see the doors open.
In more certain news, PepperJax Grill, a philly joint based out of Omaha, has opened south of SouthPointe next to Chipotle. The opening comes after two false alarms, but this time their own website confirms it right on the homepage.
El Sitio appears to be getting ready to open at 48th and Pioneers. I had heard they were going to sit back and take their time, waiting for the intersection of 48th and Pioneers to reopen before they open their doors. Based on what I've been able to see over the past couple weeks, that's exactly what they're doing. Smart move.
Any other new food news we all should know about?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I’m really excited to see what moves into the El Sitio location, but I’m prepared to be really let down by something else I’ll never use (looking at you Dominos and Second Hand Women’s Clothing Store.)
Good call. I miss the days when we were younger and Annabelle’s still existed. And you could buy cheap candy at the drug store.
Oh man, Annabelle’s cinnamon rolls were top notch.
Cheddars on O St. where Guitars used to be. Not sure on opening but getting built. New coffee shop, Husker Espresso at 70th & O (former KFC/Lucy’s.)
Dozo sushi in Haymarket.
Oh right! I completely forgot to write about Dozo. Probably because I’m not a sushi fan, but it’s still an important addition to the Haymarket.
A coworker tried Dozo within its first week or so. Said they definitely have some kinks to work out. It was busy, which is good. They were told their wait would be about a half-hour; ended up being more like an hour and 20 minutes. They thought the sushi was good, but pricey, relative to other sushi joints. Second-hand comments, for what they’re worth.
GUP food truck is good to go now
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