Five Guys Named Yum

By: Mr. Wilson on January 18, 2010
Matt Olberding says Five Guys is coming to Downtown. Commence salivating. The only question is, where in Downtown will they locate? Matt previously reported on some action in the bugly building next to the Douglas Building (nee Cinema Twin). That wouldn't be a bad location for a burger joint. Where else might they end up?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 19, 2010 at 10:45PM

That wouldn’t be a bad location but I would dearly love to see an O St. vacancy filled. O St. is Lincoln’s well known street and the amount of vacancies all along O St. makes it a bit of an eyesore. Appearance is 9/10 of the law and I’m not sure someone would have the best impression of Lincoln from just driving down O.

Mr. T
January 20, 2010 at 12:58AM

Having a 5 Guys in Lincoln is great news. I was expecting them to go into the south side somewhere however, and not DT. But as a near downtown resident it definitely works for me.

Douglas Filmore
January 20, 2010 at 5:10AM

Will almost certainly be a South pointe location after they do their market analysis.  Established restaurants do great downtown…but the problem is the parking if a burger joint.  Dleon’s struggled to get rolling downtown due to this.  Roost struggled, Taco Del Mar was great food…but stuggled and died also.  I can only think of one failure in the South Pointe area…something else is going in their spot right now.  Haymarket is a great eating location with a low failure rate.  O street is a risky location downtown…BUT a high visibility one…which can be a pro and a con…everyone sees the failure if you fail.  Maybe the old Kopeli coffee building next to Amigo’s…it is a new building that is on a corner.  That is really a stellar location for someone with the resources to make happen.

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