Five and Fine

By: Mr. Wilson on October 16, 2006
Robert is 5 months old today. The milestone, such as it is, serves as a good time to reflect back on how many strides he has taken so far. In one sense he's the same little Robbie he was four months ago in Boston. But then I look at him when he's all stretched out and I think: he's huge now! And you know what sticks out most about him right now? His voice. Robbie's voice is becoming less like an infant's and more like a baby's. When he cries it sounds like a child's cry, not a newborn's cry. When he laughs, there's a hint of the sound of a toddler laughing, rather than just his previous infant giggle. And when he babbles, though he has a long ways to go, I can already hear how he is beginning to think about giving meaning to his sounds. Unfortunately, Robbie is celebrating the start of his sixth month with a cold. It drove him nuts last night. At 4:30 he had had enough, so I went into his room and slept propped up with him on my chest. Well, I say "slept", but there was little sleep to be had with Robbie snoring and snorting and tossing and turning. But he was doing it very cutely (?), so it was easy to forgive him. I think The In-Laws will be very surprised how much he has changed when they come for Thanksgiving. There's a good chance he'll be sitting by then. (He can already sortakinda sit, but he quickly folds in half.) And sitting means joining the family at the dinner table in a high chair. He's going to like that.


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