Tomorrow is not only the first day of school for LPS. It's also the first day of school for The Wilsons as one of our kids enters second grade tomorrow. He's the first school-age child to come out of 625 Elm Street.
When I was a child my mom always tortured my sister and me on the first day of school by dressing us up in new clothes and -- gasp! -- taking our photograph. Shocking, I know! I'm not sure why I always made such a big deal out of such a simple little thing. I suppose each year I felt like I was "too old" for the tradition.
The Missus and I are thinking about what sort of first day of school traditions we would like to start. Photos? A gift? Perhaps something the night before? I'm sure some of you have or had great traditions. What are (or were) yours?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Congratulations, school parents! 😊 My family used to do the pics on the porch too. I hope you stuck a note in his/her lunch!
We take pictures on the front porch, and again next to the sign in front of the school. Corny? Sure. But it’s kind of fascinating to compare the growth from year to year, knowing that the sign doesn’t change.
Our school lets the whole family walk into the room with the child on day one. I think it is more traumatic for my daughter that way, as that’s when she tends to break down. That’s our tradition. LOL
I take a picture of my daughter with her backpack opening the front door. What’s funny is this will be the first year she actually walks to school. We haven’t lived close enough for walking to be possible. She protested last year, stating the “i’m too old!” defense. I used my parental overruling privilege and got my picture!
The Parental Overruling Privilege loses effectiveness as the child ages, but oddly enough it is always strong enough to overcome objections to first-day-of-school photography.
I’m sure she’ll appreciate when I show up to her college dorm room with my camera for the first day of school picture! LOL!
Please do this! And be sure to get video, too. YouTube wants to witness the event.
I did not do one of those picture frame mats that have the K-12 photos all displayed on them for my two kids, but I wish I would have. I’ve seen them on other moms’ walls and they make such a nice record of a child’s growth. If I had it to do again, I sure would do this.
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