The title of this post is a lie. I don't actually want Steve Pederson to be fired, but apparently a whole bunch of people do. How do I know this? Well, for one thing I've blogged on the topic before. But that was last December. Surely Husker fans are over that by now, right?
I've been watching some interesting trends in my referrer logs lately, and a ton of people have been coming across Lincolnite by searching for "fire steve pederson" or variations on that theme. It isn't just the same guy over and over again, either. Different people, coming from different search engines, using slightly different search phrases. Day after day after day.
You'd think some people aren't happy with the offense or something.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
So this post was just to fish for easy search engine referrals, then. Fiendishly clever, Mr. Wilson. I’ll have to try this approach myself. 😊
While I’m here, I’ll try to syphon a few of those hits over to DLMSY with the football theme, via the Interview with Coach Speak post.
I would never do such a thing!
Well, yes I would. But you don’t have to go and tell everybody about it! 😊
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