I don't know where the best location is to locate a proposed Haymarket parking garage, but destroying a perfectly viable business like Barry's (9th and Q) sure doesn't sound like a good idea. Barry's is a bit of a landmark. A parking garage? Not quite the same.
One of the "down sides" to the leading location -- south of the Creamery Building -- is that it isn't central to the Haymarket action. I don't see how that's a bad thing. Parking should be on the periphery. Core locations in the Haymarket should be filled with businesses, museums, and open space. Besides, one would think having a parking garage outside the center of activity would be a boon to the City's slightly goofy trolley or streetcar vision.
Anyway, it's great that we're already having to think about a new parking garage. The Haymarket garage on 9th Street wasn't built very long ago. Likewise the Market Place garage on 10th Street. That we're having to think about this again already is good news for Downtown.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Call me crazy (and I know it’s too late), but it would have been smart to design the newest one in the Haymarket in such a way that it could be added to by stacking more levels on top. Maybe they should think of that next time. When we build the arena, we’ll need more parking, too.
Bury the parking garages so that they aren’t eye sores or cause an increase to the height of proposed structures.
Also add bike paths - not bike lanes on the streets - from Antelope Valley to the Haymarket to encourage people to leave their cars at home.
I think an underground parking garage in the Haymarket is a virtual impossibility thanks to the Salt Creek flood plain. It’s a good idea, though, and one that I would love to see explored in Downtown proper.
I’m not sure how viable Barry’s is…I believe they’ve filed for bankruptcy. Don’t know where it stands but I think they had some big IRS or other tax problems.
It looks like they own their own building. Tax trouble + willing buyer = win/win?
That doesn’t account for any other affected property owners, of course.
I’ve heard similar things.
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