
By: Mr. Wilson on January 2, 2006
I've been saying that the Events section would go live "soon" for quite a while now. Obviously "soon" has come and gone several times. Not five minutes ago I finally had a breakthrough with some of the scripting I've been working on. I can finally move forward on making the Events section look pretty (or something approximating pretty), and then I'll be able to open it up. There won't be many, if any, events pre-entered, but that'll change as I get Lincolnite closer to being finished. For now there will at least be a form for members to enter events, so if you want to promote yourself, your business, or your organization, you'll be able to do so. I'm glad to finally be close to getting the Events section checked off my to-do list. Next up is the Classifieds section. That one'll keep me occupied for a while, for sure.


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